Let's face it, your outdoor patio furniture is no picnic in the park. So, with that being said, a few simple, inexpensive supplies and some elbow grease, you can easily get the job done. Remember, keeping your outdoor patio furniture clean leaves a lasting impression on your guests, customers or clients. You should always consider the appearance of your outdoor patio furniture because that will reflect on you and the success of your business!
To begin with you need to take everything out of storage! Then, check over each piece to determine if any of your resin chaise lounges, sling patio chairs, outdoor patio tables or market umbrellas and bases need repairs or possibly need to be replaced. Now it's time to get scrubbing and rinsing the furniture. Just follow our simple directions below and remember, while you're outside scrubbing and rinsing, to enjoy the sunshine and the fact that what took you a short time to accomplish, your guests or customers will enjoy for months to come! Now that's the kind of impression you want to give!
Collect your supplies: soft bristle brush, dish liquid, sponge, rubber gloves, bucket, white vinegar, baking soda and garden hose.
Patio Sling Furniture: Rinse dust or debris off with hose. Mix solution of 1 teaspoon of dish liquid per gallon of water in bucket. Use soft bristle brush and scrub furniture making sure you clean both the top and underside as mold and mildew tends to grow in areas not in direct sunlight. Rinse well with hose and dry in full sun.
Patio Strap Furniture: Cleaning your patio strap furniture is the same method as your sling furniture. With regular care you can keep your strap furniture clean. Have guests use towels on chaise lounges to avoid leaving a residue of suntan lotion on your straps. You can also put a coat of car wax to help repel dirt and suntan lotion.
Patio Resin Furniture: Mix 1/4 cup white vinegar with 2 gallons of water and 1/2 cup of baking soda. Scrub resin furniture and for stubborn stains poor white vinegar onto cloth and wipe down. Follow by sprinkling baking soda on a wet sponge and wipe down. It won't scratch the surface. Rinse well and dry in full sun. To keep clean you can use a coat of car wax.
Patio Market Umbrella Fabric: It's easy to clean a market umbrella cover. Carefully remove fabric cover from frame. Put into washing machine using cold water with laundry detergent. Do not put in dryer. Put cover back onto frame and open in full sun to dry.
And don't forget the underside of all your furniture. If you have the need for purchasing anything new, National Outdoor Furniture has superior customer service and with our help it's easy to achieve the look you desire!
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