Outdoor furniture comes in many colors, materials, and sizes. This is probably one of the reasons why sometimes it can be challenging to pick one set and take home for your patio. If you are having trouble deciding what is best for you, here are some items that you should have in your checklist of the qualities to look for in a patio furniture set.
Your outdoor furniture will have to withstand many seasons of tough weather such as rain, snow, and harsh sunshine. You, therefore need to choose materials that will stand the extreme weather without getting ruined. For instance, if you live in a place where the weather is hot and dry most of the year and you pick wooden furniture, it will crack and splinter a lot. On the other hand, if you live in a windy area and you decide to go for aluminum, it will probably fly off the porch every time there is a storm and if you live in a humid and mostly wet area, wicker furniture will not be a good choice.
One of the limitations which come with the ready-made furniture is that they are made to fit certain dimensions. While these may be the standard for many of your guests, it is essential to note there are some of them who may not fit in the narrow and uncomfortable chairs. When thinking about the size, try and see the size and style that will be spacious and comfortable. In addition to picking the right size, invest in upholstery materials which assure you of utmost comfort for your visitors. Also, when you pick the right size and upholstery material, your chairs will serve you for a long time without breaking or needing replacement.
Outdoor furniture will be exposed to dust, sunshine, snow and many other sources of dirt and grime. It is essential to pick a material which can easily withstand these conditions without getting ruined. Some materials also develop mold and mildew as a result of constant exposure to mold and mildew. One way that you can preserve the fabric from the weather is ensuring that the cushions are removable and storing them when there is bad weather. You could also invest in waterproof furniture covers that will cover not only the upholstery but also the frame of the furniture.
The number of furniture pieces that you get for your patio will depend on the size that you have available and the maximum number of people you are likely to have sitting there at any particular time. If you have a large outdoor space, you can have as many seats as possible but if you do not have much space, you have to think about the furniture design which will allow maximum sitting without compromising on space.
These are some of the considerations that you have to make when choosing patio furniture. It is important to always ensure that you measure the dimensions of your space before you go shopping as it will guide you on what to get.
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