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It is easy to enhance the look of your front entryway with plants. As with other outdoor plants, it is crucial to consider the amount of sunlight the area gets and choose a plant that thrives in that condition. You also need to think about the amount of time you are willing to spend caring for the plant. Considering your growing zone is also important because some areas get too hot or too cold for some plants. You may also want to choose a plant that complements your home’s color and style.
Give your front porch a formal appearance with a dwarf boxwood if you live in zones 6 to 8. These plants that thrive in partly shaded conditions can easily be trained and pruned as beautiful topiaries. Left unpruned, this plant grows to be about 2.5-feet tall and 3-feet wide. You are sure to love its glossy evergreen leaves that can grow to be up to 1-inch long. Keep this option consistently moist, and it will grow for years.
The dark green, sword-like fonds on the Kimberly queen fern are perfect for growing in a pot on a shaded front porch. This plant loves humidity, so if you live in a drier climate, place a platter of water under it. Consider feeding it twice a year with an all-purpose fertilizer, and bring it indoors if temperatures get about freezing. This long-living plant will produce attractive yellow spores underneath its fonds.
If your front porch gets at least some sun, then birds of paradise may be a perfect choice. This option is very wind resistant. Once it gets going, it will forgive you if you forget to water it regularly. This plant that grows up to 4-feet tall produces banana-shaped, evergreen leaves. In the spring, a hard-shell, beak-like seedpod will appear, which breaks open to reveal beautiful orange-and-blue flowers. If temperatures stay above 70 degrees at night or get below 32 degrees, bring this plant indoors.
If you live in an area with hot and humid summers, then the Cocktail Vodka wax begonia may be an ideal choice for your front porch. This plant puts on crimson red, orchid-like flowers from mid-spring to mid-fall. It grows best in well-drained soils where it will get at least four hours of sun daily. This plant is a favorite with many homeowners even when it is not blooming because of its foliage that naturally forms a mound shape that ranges from dark green to bronze.
If your porch stays sunny most of the day, the globe thistles may be an excellent option for you. Consider planting them in a large pot about 12-inches apart. This plant produces dusky blue globe-like flowers up to 2-inches in diameter from midsummer to early fall. The silvery-pointed foliage and dark-green basal leaves make this a fantastic looking plant until winter arrives. It is easy to grow plants on your front porch that you will enjoy. Choose between these fabulous choices that require very little care. Your friends will think that you are the best gardener that they know.
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